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Digi-Mediated Culture


A one-day symposium that considered the social, cultural and political space between human consciousness and digital technology.

Swansea College of Art, UWTSD, Alexandra Road, Swansea, UK

Exhibition information:

The symposium was held in the circular reading room. The Angle-poise lamp was exhibited in a corner facing the stage. Connected to a motion sensor placed in the corridor outside, the lamp was briefly illuminated each time somebody in the corridor walked past.

The unconnected passer-by became audience member, participant and effector to the symposium. The audience, aware of the mechanics of the work were forced to imagine the passer-by each time it lit up.

From the Organiser:
"A one-day symposium that will consider the social, cultural and political space between human consciousness and digital technology. Digi-Mediated-Culture will examine the intersection between humans and machines as a generative space for creative production. Digi-Mediated-Culture invites proposals from academics, artists, designers, philosophers, linguists, artificial intelligence (AI) researchers, programmers, The symposium will be held on 10th May 2019 in Swansea College of Art’s Reading Room, ALEX, Alexandra Road, Swansea - 1.30pm – 6.00pm"

Artworks exhibited.

The following artworks were shown in this exhibition.

Projects exhibited.

Artworks from the following projects were shown in this exhibition.

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